
BONATRANS GROUP Gets Involved in ESG Rating


ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) refers to the assessment of environmental, social responsibility, and corporate governance.

These assessments are used to evaluate the sustainability and ethical practices of companies and are utilised by investors and other interested parties.

ESG Rating was developed in collaboration with the Association for Social Responsibility and the CEMS study programme at the Faculty of Business Administration, Prague University of Economics and Business. This year, a total of 135 Czech companies with a combined 2022 turnover reaching 1.2 trillion Czech crowns (equivalent to 17.2 percent of domestic GDP) participated in the survey. The interest in participating in the survey increased by fifty-five percent compared to the previous year. Forty percent of the registered companies participated in the large company category, while the remaining sixty percent belonged to small and medium-sized enterprises.

We have been addressing the sustainability of our manufacturing process and products for several years. Our innovative products are developed using the principles of ECO-design from the BONATRANS engineering school. We invest in efficient manufacturing technologies with lower energy consumption and utilize our own renewable energy sources.

In June 2023, we set a goal to achieve a minimum 20% reduction in CO2 emissions for the production of an average product by 2030, within the Scope 1 and 2 framework, compared to the year 2021.

We are pleased to have taken on this challenge and hope to advance a few positions next year.

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